Frequently Asked Questions
Does HPU provide services for students with disabilities?
Yes, accommodations and services are provided for students with documented disabilities to provide equal access to educational programs and services in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), and HPU policy. The Office of Learning Assistance (OLA) facilitates the provision of services and accommodations for students. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis using the student’s disability documentation and in consultation with the student.
Is there a deadline for submitting disability documentation?
To ensure that accommodations will be in place when the academic semester begins, students are encouraged to submit documentation one to two weeks in advance.
Is there a separate admissions procedure for students with disabilities?
No, the admissions process and criteria are the same for all students applying to HPU. Disability status will not be a consideration in admissions decisions.
Should I send my disability documentation with my admissions application?
No, documentation should be submitted to OLA only after you have been admitted to the university and have registered for classes.
What accommodations and services will I be eligible for?
Appropriate and reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis. These accommodations may differ from those provided in high school or other colleges.
What documentation is required to receive disability services?
Students requesting services must provide current and comprehensive documentation from a qualified professional. The documentation must verify the disability and its impact on a student’s academic performance and functional limitations.
Please note that eligibility guidelines and accommodations may differ from your high school or other colleges you have attended.
What happens after my disability documentation is received?
OLA evaluates documentation to determine eligibility for services. An appointment is set to identify reasonable accommodations, and an individualized service plan is created to meet the needs of the registered student. Please note academic accommodations are not retroactive.
Who at the University will know about my disability if I register with OLA?
The accommodation process requires disclosure of the disability status to faculty and OLA staff in order to adapt courses, equipment or facilities to ensure equal access. OLA recognizes the right of the student to determine who receives disability-related information and the right to confidentiality of this information. Disability-related documents, nor services received from our office, are part of a student’s permanent education records.